Batting Stance

No matter what your batting stance is, you have to set yourself up in the proper position to hit. Simple always wins, the more complex the body movements are at the youth level the harder it is to repeat.

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Catching Principals

Catching a ball is a lifelong skill for a youth athlete. This developmental process starts as early as four years old. Catching any kind of ball applies to virtually every other sport in the world. Here are some principles that should be implemented when teaching a child how to catch a baseball.

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Baserunning Fundamentals

When I was in high school. I barely made the cut for my varsity baseball team. I remember being the last one chosen for the team. At the time, the fact that I made the team was a huge accomplishment in my life. When the coach said I made the team, he mentioned that I needed to improve my base running skills. Base running does not just mean speed. Base running is a skill that is required as young as six years old.

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